In recent years, there has been a major upsurge of anti-Semitism around the world. Some is directly connected to Israel with many accusing Jews of age-old anti-Semitic charges, such as blood libels and using evil power to control the world. Some based on different religious beliefs. And some are political..
The Wall of Tears Foundation (filed as a 501C3) was formed to educate college students on the ultimate result of widespread antisemitism … The near annihilation of a people of faith in Europe…(The Holocaust). Anti-Semitism refers to prejudice and/or discrimination against Jews as individuals and as a group. Anti-Semitism is based on stereotypes and myths that target Jews as a people, their religious practices and beliefs, and the Jewish State of Israel. Historically, what began as a conflict over religious beliefs evolved into a systematic policy of political, economic, and social isolation; exclusion, degradation and attempted annihilation. It did not begin in the Nazi era, nor did it end with the close of World War II. Its continuance over the millennia speaks to the power of scapegoating a group that is defined as the “other.” (ADL)
The Wall of Tears Foundation (filed as a 501C3) was formed to educate college students on the ultimate result of widespread antisemitism … The near annihilation of a people of faith in Europe…(The Holocaust). Anti-Semitism refers to prejudice and/or discrimination against Jews as individuals and as a group. Anti-Semitism is based on stereotypes and myths that target Jews as a people, their religious practices and beliefs, and the Jewish State of Israel. Historically, what began as a conflict over religious beliefs evolved into a systematic policy of political, economic, and social isolation; exclusion, degradation and attempted annihilation. It did not begin in the Nazi era, nor did it end with the close of World War II. Its continuance over the millennia speaks to the power of scapegoating a group that is defined as the “other.” (ADL)
The Wall of Tears Foundation plans to build memorials to give students more of a precise understanding of who brought anti-semitism to the frightening level that perpetrated the holocaust and the resulting impact it had on the populations of thousands of Jewish communities across Europe. The memorial shows a map of Europe with population counts for each country pre and post Holocaust. It contains a plaque mounted in each country showing the destruction of Jewish communities, as well as extermination events based on historical evidence. Drips of water from nozzles representing tears from behind plaques mounted on a wall (every second of every day) fall to remember the 6 million lost to hate. They represents 7 years of the holocaust from 1938 to 1945. (See the illustration below of the memorial)